Bonjour à tous!
J’espère que vous allez bien. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique du deuxième tome de la dernière série d’Annabeth Albert, intitulée Hotshots, publiée chez Carina Press. Résumé:
Smoke jumping is Garrick Nelson’s life. Nothing, not severe injuries nor the brutal physical therapy that follows, is going to stop him from getting back with his crew. But when a lost dog shows up on his front porch, he can’t turn her away, and he can’t take care of her on his own. Thankfully, help comes in the form of his new sexy, dog-loving neighbor. As they work together, trying to re-home their little princess, Garrick can’t resist his growing attraction for the other man, even though he knows this guy isn’t the staying type.
Rain Fisher doesn’t take anything too seriously. He dances through life, one adventure at a time, never settling in one place for too long. When his hot, conveniently buff, neighbor shows up on his doorstep, dog in tow, Rain’s determined to not just save the adorable puppy, but her reluctant owner as well. He never expects their flirtation might tempt him into stay put once and for all…
FR- Alors alors…. alors j’avais énormément aimé le premier tome de cette série et je dois dire que j’avais hâte de lire celui ci. Si l’histoire de Linc et Jacob était énormément centrée sur leur travail de smokejumpers ce n’est pas du tout le cas dans ce tome là. Et pour cause….
Ce deuxième tome se concentre principalement sur Garrick et son adaptation à sa nouvelle vie. J’ai beaucoup aimé le personnage de Garrick. Je l’avais déjà bien aimé dans le premier tome et j’avais hâte d’avoir son histoire. C’est un personnage très positif, très fort malgré ce qu’il a traversé et j’ai adoré la façon dont il fait face à tous les changements et toutes les épreuves que la vie met sur son chemin. Sa relation avec Rain est vraiment très attachante et j’en ai aimé chaque moment.
Rain, quand à lui, est un personnage que j’ai adoré. Je dois dire que j’adore quand les personnages utilise de la lingerie sexy et c’est vraiment bien traité. J’ai adoré les passages sexy entre Garrick et Rain et je dois dire que ce roman là était particulièrement chaud . Les romans d’Annabeth Albert sont souvent chauds mais celui ci l’était particulièrement. Et j’ai adoré. Pour en revenir à Rain c’est un personnage super attachant et que j’ai adoré voir évoluer au fil des pages. Je dois dire que Garrick et Rain sont devenus mes nouveaux chouchous.
En résumé, un très très bon second tome d’une série que j’aime énormément. Une auteure toujours au top qui s’améliore encore de romans en romans. Une série à découvrir sans plus tarder.
ENG-So well well well… well I really liked the first volume of this series and I must say I couldn’t wait to read this one. If the story of Linc and Jacob was very much centered on their work as smokejumpers, this is not at all the case in this volume. And for good reason….
This second volume focuses mainly on Garrick and his adaptation to his new life. I really liked the character of Garrick. I had already liked it in the first volume and I was eager to have its story. He’s a very positive character, very strong despite what he’s been through and I loved the way he deals with all the changes and hardships that life puts in his way. Her relationship with Rain is really very endearing and I loved every moment of it.
Rain, as for him, is a character that I adored. I have to say I love it when the characters wear sexy lingerie and it’s handled really well. I loved the sexy passages between Garrick and Rain and I must say that this novel was particularly hot. Annabeth Albert’s novels are often hot but this one was particularly hot. And I loved it. Coming back to Rain, he’s a super endearing character and one that I loved to see evolve over the pages. I must say that Garrick and Rain have become my new favorites.
In summary, a very, very good second volume in a series that I really like. An author always at the top who still improves from novels to novels. A series to discover without further delay.
Ma note globale :
Hottitude :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :
via :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.