Salut mes p’tits chats!
J’espère que vous allez bien. Pour ma part, ça va plutôt bien. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique d’un roman de deux auteures que j’aime beaucoup et dont les romans me font toujours passer un bon moment. Il s’agit de Keeping Promises de BA Tortuga et Jodi Payne publié chez Tygereyes Publishing. Résumé :
Jeremy M. Dunn III has the single dad thing down, so the last thing he wants to do is call his ex-husband to ask for help with their two kids. They didn’t part on good terms, and they’ve barely spoken since the divorce. But with a cast on his arm that goes up past his elbow, Jeremy has no choice. He needs a few days to figure out how to bathe their daughter, make school lunches and parent their son one-armed, and there isn’t anyone else he can ask for help.
Former rodeo cowboy West Belen was already on his way back to his kids, and to Trey (“the third”, his nickname for Jeremy). He made a promise to try again, and he means to keep it, so when he sees his chance to move back into his family’s life, he grabs it like the brass ring he knows it is. He’s determined to be more than an “every other weekend” dad to his children, and he doesn’t want to keep on living with regret about how he and Trey ended.
Jeremy still desires West, but he isn’t sure he can trust West to be responsible and available. West still thinks Trey is the hottest thing he’s ever seen, but he has no idea how to convince the man he’s ready to settle down. The two of them have never had trouble butting heads, but now they need to learn to work together to make a home for themselves and their kids where they both belong.
FR- Alors alors….alors j’aime toujours autant la plume de ces deux auteures et je passe toujours un très très bon moment de lecture. Et ça a encore été le cas avec ce roman. Mon avis ne va pas être très long parce que je n’ai pas grand chose de plus à dire que :
Ce roman , comme tous les autres écrits par ces deux auteures, est vraiment sympa. Une fois de plus on est dans l’univers des cowboys et cette fois ci la différence est que West vient de prendre sa retraite pour revenir auprès de son ex mari et de leurs enfants.
Les deux hommes sont vraiment à l’opposé l’un de l’autre et je me suis longtemps demandée comment ils avaient pu se marier. Mais leur amour l’un pour l’autre est tellement flagrant qu’on comprend vite ce qui le lient.
Cependant, j’ai beaucoup aimé la façon dont Jeremy va peu à peu comprendre l’importance du monde du rodeo et de ses amis cowboys pour West. La relation entre les deux hommes se remet très vite en place, peut être un peu trop vite parce qu’à 40% du roman ils étaient de nouveau en couple… Mais les auteures réussissent à trouver des épreuves pour nos deux héros sans toute fois tomber dans le too much.
J’ai particulièrement aimé tous les passages concernant West et Hank. Ce sont des passages qui m’ont énormément émue et m’ont fait verser quelques larmes.
En résumé, encore une fois BA Tortuga et Jodi Payne nous livrent un roman avec tous les ingrédients que j’adore : des pères célibataires, des cowboys et beaucoup beaucoup d’amour.
ENG- So well well well… well I still love the writing of these two authors as much and I always have a very, very good time reading. And it was still the case with this novel. My review isn’t going to be long because I don’t have much more to say than:
This novel, like all the others written by these two authors, is really nice. Once again we are in the world of cowboys and this time the difference is that West has just retired to come back to her ex-husband and their children.
The two men are really the opposite of each other and I have long wondered how they got married. But their love for each other is so obvious that we quickly understand what binds them.
However, I really liked the way Jeremy slowly comes to understand the importance of the rodeo world and his cowboy friends to West. The relationship between the two men is put back in place very quickly, maybe a little too quickly because at 40% of the novel they were in a relationship again … But the authors manage to find trials for our two heroes without any times fall into the too much.
I especially liked all the passages about West and Hank. These are passages that moved me enormously and made me shed a few tears.
In summary, once again BA Tortuga and Jodi Payne deliver us a novel with all the ingredients that I adore: single fathers, cowboys and a lot of love.
Ma note globale :
Hottitude :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.