Salut mes p’tits Chats!!
Comment allez vous? Perso je suis méga méga crevée vivement le premier week end de mars que je monte à la Capitale voir mes copines et que je change d’air^^
Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique d’un roman qui m’a fait de l’oeil quand je l’ai eu dans les propositions de Book Sirens et que j’ai dévoré en quelques jours. Il s’agit de Abandoned Things de Chani Lynn Feener. Résumé :
Frankie is a fifth-year college student with a secret. He’s the writer and creator of the popular web novel Gold and Silver. At least, he thought he was the creator of it.
That belief is tested when one night Rook, the book’s fan-favorite anti-hero, shows up outside Frankie’s apartment, alive and very much real. Frankie isn’t supposed to pick a favorite, but the wayward demon prince has always been his. Now that they’ve actually met, however, he finds keeping up with Rook’s capricious nature exhausting at best and infuriating at worst. When he demands that Frankie rewrite the upcoming ending of the series, Frankie tries to resist, but Rook is known for getting his way, and he’ll do anything and everything in his power to make sure Frankie complies with his wishes.
Rook Dalibor is the demon prince of the Bronze Kingdom, known for being clever and calculating. At least…that’s who he’s always thought he was.
After dying to protect someone, Rook wakes up in a strange land with even stranger people in it. There, he discovers Visera, his world, and everything in it is actually just part of an elaborate story written in a book. After reading the first two volumes, he’s livid to discover that not only may he be the creation of some random writer, but he’s also not even the main character. Determined to correct his story and prevent his untimely end, Rook sets out to force the writer’s hand.
What starts out as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into something else when they discover that Rook isn’t the only character from the book that’s entered the real world. Neko, one of the secondary villains has also found a way through the gateway, and he’s brought his shadow monsters with him. Setting their differences aside, Rook and Frankie form a tentative truce to deal with Neko as they try to figure out how the gateways came to be and what the rules for traveling between realms entail. Along the way, Rook starts to realize the two of them may have more in common than he initially believed. But just as he starts to acknowledge he may have feelings for the writer, Sage, the main character in Frankie’s story, suddenly appears.
Rook wants his happy ending, but what if he’ll only be happy if he ends up with Frankie? Can he convince the writer to forget about the fact they started out as enemies and win him over, or will he forever be destined to play the part of the second male lead?
FR- Alors alors… alors j’ai vraiment passé un excellent moment de lecture. J’ai été super attirée par le résumé et j’avais hâte de lire ce roman. Il s’agit du premier roman de l’auteure que je lis mes ses autres romans avaient de bonnes notes sur Goodreads donc je me suis laissée tenter. Comme d’habitude, je l’ai laissé dormir dans ma PAL pour le ressortir à quelques jours de la dead line de ma chronique….Et comme souvent, j’ai fait l’erreur de lire quelques avis négatifs sur Goodreads ce qui fait que j’ai commencé ma lecture avec quelques réticences. Et comme souvent, je n’aurai pas du.
Parce que j’ai vraiment apprécié ma lecture. Je suis vraiment entrée très très vite dans l’histoire et j’ai adoré les personnages principaux. J’ai adoré l’idée de base, je sais que c’est un thème assez classique mais je n’en avais jamais vraiment lu du coup j’ai vraiment aimé ma lecture. J’ai adoré le personnage de Frankie. Jai adoré être dans sa tête dans son histoire et j’ai beaucoup aimer le voir évoluer au fil des pages.
J’ai également beaucoup aimé le personnage de Rook qui s’adapte très facilement au monde de Frankie et qui est loin d’être aussi mauvais qu’on pourrait le penser de prime abord.
J’ai vraiment aimé le contre pied systématique que prend l’auteure avec les personnages de son roman. Que ce soit de son roman ou du roman à l’intérieur du roman.
Les deux univers proposés par l’auteure sont vraiment intéressants. Que ce soit l’aspect fantasy avec Visera ou l’aspect plus lié au monde de l’édition avec le monde réel de Frankie. On passe très facilement d’un monde à l’autre, d’un univers à l’autre et j’ai adoré en savoir plus sur ces deux univers et sur leurs personnages.
J’ai trouvé l’intrigue bien menée et je me suis laissée porter par l’histoire et les personnages. Les scènes hot sont rares mais savoureuses, la relation entre Rook et Frankie prend son temps mais est très belle et très forte, bref j’espère vraiment que l’auteure nous proposera d’autres romans dans cet univers. Ce qui est sûr , c’est que si c’est le cas, je les lirai avec plaisir.
ENG – So well well…. well I really had a great time reading. I was super drawn to the summary and was looking forward to reading this novel. This is the first novel by the author that I read my other novels had good ratings on Goodreads so I let myself be tempted. As usual, I let him sleep in my PAL to bring him out a few days before the dead line of my column….And as often, I made the mistake of reading some negative reviews on Goodreads this which means that I started reading with some reluctance. And as often, I shouldn’t have.
Because I really enjoyed my reading. I really got into the story very, very quickly and I loved the main characters. I loved the basic idea, I know it’s a fairly classic theme but I had never really read it so I really enjoyed my reading. I loved Frankie’s character. I loved being in his head in his story and I really like to see him evolve over the pages.
I also really liked the character of Rook who adapts very easily to the world of Frankie and who is far from being as bad as one might think at first glance.
I really liked the systematic counterpoint that the author takes with the characters in her novel. Whether it’s his novel or the novel within the novel.
The two universes proposed by the author are really interesting. Whether it’s the fantasy aspect with Visera or the more publishing aspect with the real world of Frankie. We move very easily from one world to another, from one universe to another and I loved learning more about these two universes and their characters.
I found the plot well conducted and I let myself be carried away by the story and the characters. The hot scenes are rare but tasty, the relationship between Rook and Frankie takes its time but is very beautiful and very strong, in short I really hope that the author will offer us other novels in this universe. What is certain is that if so, I will read them with pleasure.
Ma note Globale :
Hottitude :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.