Salut mes p’tit chats!
Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour un avis express sur un roman court de Suki Fleet intitulé The First boy I Ever Kissed, en auto édition. Résumé :
It’s been over two years since Tommy’s heart was broken. Two years since Kim vanished from his life without a word.
Kim was the first boy he’d ever kissed. The only person he’s been in love with. He’d thought they were starting something when he showed his feelings on prom night, and they shared their perfect messy kiss, but he’d been wrong. He never saw Kim again. Until tonight when joy riders crash into the warehouse complex where he works.
Kim’s life is a mess. For two years he’s been involved with a criminal gang, doing everything he can to protect his mum from harm. He knows he has nothing to offer. But seeing Tommy again gives him the strength to try. If only Tommy wasn’t leaving the day after tomorrow to go traveling around the world. If only tonight wasn’t all they had.
FR- Alors alors… alors j’ai beaucoup aimé ce roman. C’était le premier roman de l’auteure que j’ai lu et j’ai passé un excellent moment de lecture. C’est un roman court, qui se lit assez vite, mais les personnages sont très attachants et l’histoire est prenante. Je dois avoue que je ne savais pas trop si la fin allait etre heureuse ou pas mais je me suis laissée porter par les mots de l’auteure.
J’ai adoré les personnages de Tommy et de Kim. J’ai eu mal au coeur pour Kim tout au long de ma lecture. C’est un personnage qui mérite vraiment un Happy End.
Le rythme du roman est agréable, on enchaine les pages sans s’en rendre compte et on est happé par l’histoire dès les premieres pages.
C’était une lecture intéressante, prenante, agréable. Un peu courte peut etre mais le roman a une vraie fin et un épilogue qui vient encore ajouter au roman.
Une bonne petite lecture et une auteure à suivre.
ENG- So well well well… well I really liked this novel. It was the author’s first novel that I read and I had a great time reading. It’s a short novel, which reads quite quickly, but the characters are very endearing and the story gripping. I must admit that I was not sure if the end was going to be happy or not, but I let myself be carried away by the words of the author.
I loved the characters of Tommy and Kim. I had a heartache for Kim the whole time I read. He’s a character who really deserves a Happy End.
The rhythm of the novel is pleasant, you go through the pages without realizing it and you are caught up in the story from the first pages.
It was an interesting, engaging, enjoyable read. A little short perhaps, but the novel has a real end and an epilogue which adds to the novel.
A good little read and an author to follow.
Ma note globale :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.