Salut mes p’tits chats!!


J’espère que vous allez bien. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique du tome 5 de la série Pelican Bay de Sloane Kennedy.  Les chroniques des tomes 1 , tome 2, tome 3 et tome 4 sont disponibles sur le blog. C’est une série que j’aime beaucoup et j’avais vraiment hâte de lire ce tome. Résumé :

I was just there to do my job and then he arrived, and I knew in my gut everything was about to change. Everything…
For former soldier turned nurse practitioner Lincoln Arden, Pelican Bay was supposed to be just another dot on a map, and the crotchety old man he’d been hired to assist in his physical rehabilitation was supposed to be just another patient whose body was slowly giving in to the harsh reality of time.

It was just another job… one in a long list of many. One that lasted only long enough that Lincoln could do what he needed to do and then keep moving. Always moving.

But nothing about the live-in job was like all the others. Not the chaotic group of men who’d made themselves into a family, not the charming old farmhouse that sat in the middle of nowhere, and most certainly not the endless acres of trees, streams, and every other one of Mother Nature’s miracles that reminded him of the beauty of life after being witness to so much death.

He’d done it, though. He’d remained on the outskirts of that family despite the warm welcome they’d offered him from day one, and he hadn’t let his surroundings make him forget that it would be time to move on soon enough.

But then he arrived…

Returning to Pelican Bay and the past that came with it was the last thing I wanted to do, but “visiting” my former best friend would give me the time I needed to figure out where to disappear to next…

Even though Theo Lancaster had only lived a few towns over from Pelican Bay, returning to the hometown of his one-time best friend in northern Minnesota was like walking through a doorway to the past and the exact moment his life had changed forever.

Simply put, the small, picture-perfect town was the last place he wanted to be, but with no home, no friends or family to lean on, and no money, his choices had been pretty limited. Fortunately, the past that haunted his dreams night after night had prepared him for the moment by turning him into something he’d never thought he would be.

A liar.
A fake.
A fraud.
A man who knew what mask to wear and what words to say to keep the truth at bay.

Hiding his scars, both the ones covering his body and the ones ripping his soul to shreds with each day that passed, was easy. Telling everyone he was okay spilled from his lips as effortlessly as the fake smile that he’d been perfecting for years. Lying about what had happened to him after that fateful day—when the truth about who he really was had been discovered—had been so well rehearsed that sometimes he even managed to fool himself into believing it had all been a terrible dream.

It had been a good plan. Hide out for a few days, come up with a plan of what to do next, and disappear before anyone figured out the truth.

But nowhere in his plans had he even given thought to meeting a gorgeous-as-hell nurse who saw past his lies with ease. A man who knew Theo wasn’t okay and was intent on healing as many of Theo’s scars as he could, both inside and out. A man who wanted the same thing for Theo that he needed for himself.

To stop running.



FR- Alors alors… alors j’avais super hâte de retrouver cet univers et cette série qui est une de mes préférées de l’auteure. On avait rapidement découvert Theo dans le tome 3 sur Ford et Cam et je suis vraiment contente d’avoir enfin son histoire.

Comme souvent dans les roman de l’auteure et particulièrement dans cette série, les thèmes abordés sont vraiment difficiles. J’ai énormément aimé tout ce que Sloane Kennedy nous propose dans ce 5eme tome.
Je n’ai pas lu beaucoup de romans traitant des thérapies de conversion mais à chaque fois, le sujet était abordé avec pudeur et sensibilité. Même si là on a clairement des détails sur ce qu’à subit Theo.  J’ai versé plus d’une larme en lisant ces chapitres.

Le passé de Lincoln est totalement différent mais quand on en arrive à son secret et ce qui lui pèse depuis tant d’année… vous pouvez être sûrs que j’ai sorti les mouchoirs.

Une fois de plus, la plume de l’auteure est tout simplement magnifique. Les personnages sont touchants, forts, déchirants… on alterne entre le rire et les larmes, on ressent tout ce qu’ils traversent puissance mille…

J’ai adoré retrouvé les personnages des tomes précédents et en savoir un peu plus sur ce qu’ils sont devenus.

Bref, un excellent 5eme tome qui confirme encore une fois que cette série est ma préférée de l’auteure.



ENG- So well well well… well I was really looking forward to geting back to this universe and this series which is one of my favorites from the author. We quickly discovered Theo in book 3 about Ford and Cam and I’m really happy to finally have his story.

As often in the author’s novels and particularly in this series, the topics covered are really difficult. I really liked everything that Sloane Kennedy offers us in this 5th volume.
I haven’t read many novels dealing with conversion therapy, but each time the subject was approached with modesty and sensitivity. Even if there we clearly have details on what Theo suffered. I shed more than one tear while reading these chapters.

Lincoln’s past is totally different, but when it comes to his secret and what’s been hanging over him for so many years… you can be sure I pulled out the tissues.

Once again, the pen of the author is simply magnificent. The characters are touching, strong, heartbreaking… we alternate between laughter and tears, we feel everything they go through …

I loved rediscovering  characters from the previous books and knowing a little more about what they have become.

In short, an excellent book 5 which confirms once again that this series is my favorite of the author.



Ma Note Globale :




Ce roman est un service presse numérique de l’auteure :




Rédigé par


Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc...) , des MMM et d'Urban Fantasy.