Bonjour à tous,
J’espère que vous allez bien. Pour ma part, je dois dire que j’ai super hâte aux vacances même si elles ne sont pas prévues pour tout de suite. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique du nouveau roman de Alice Winters. Il s’agit de How to Vex a Vampire, qui est le premier tome de sa nouvelle série VRC : Vampire Related Crimes. Tout de suite couverture et résumé :
Getting into the vampire-only detective unit was the easy part; what’s going to be more difficult is dealing with my new partner, an ancient vampire who keeps threatening to eat me. The unit has never had a human in it, and Marcus—or as I like to call him, Fangy McFangface—would really prefer to keep it that way. He’s grumpy, short-tempered, and broody, but I have a way with words and I know he’s starting to like me, even if he swears he’s not. But what he doesn’t know is that I didn’t join the unit because I was tired of being a homicide detective, I joined because there is someone after me. They’ve already taken enough from me and I’m afraid they’re going to take all of me if I don’t find someone to help. That’s all Marcus was supposed to be, but now, he’s so much more and I can’t imagine my life without him.
The moment the pesky human walked through that door, I knew I had to get rid of him. He’s charming and almost everyone else instantly loves him, but he doesn’t understand how risky it is being part of this unit as a human. But as I get to know the stubborn man, I learn that perhaps he’s not as naive as I once thought. And maybe he’s what I needed to realize there is more to life than just work and my dog. A group arises who is threatening to disrupt the alliance between the humans and the vampires, but Finn is the one who shows me how strong that alliance can be and reminds me why it’s worth protecting. When threats hit closer to home, I realize I would do anything for Finn because he’s brought so much joy to my life—and because he’s mine.
FR- Alors alors… alors j’attendais avec impatience ce roman dont je n’avais même pas lu les extraits et une fois de plus je n’ai pas du tout été déçue de ma lecture.
Je dois dire que je commence à être un peu à court d’arguments concernant les romans d’Alice Winters. Parce que plus le temps passe, plus j’aime ses romans. Son style s’affirme à chaque romans et les petits défauts des premiers tomes sont quasiment inexistants dans ce roman.
J’ai particulièrement aimé l’univers proposé par l’auteure. Ici les seuls créatures de la nuit sont des vampires et je dois dire que c’est agréable de lire un roman uniquement de vampires, ça se fait rare ces derniers temps.
J’ai adoré le personnage de Marcus et j’ai particulièrement aimé la mythologie concernant les vampires qu’Alice Winters met en place dans ce roman et j’ai bien entendu adoré la relation entre Marcus et Finn. Même si je dois avouer que le moment où Marcus cède aux avances de Finn tombait un peu pour moi comme un cheveux sur la soupe.
J’ai également trouvé ce roman un peu moins drôle que les tomes précédents même si j’ai quand même pas mal rigolé dans celui là.
Je dois avouer que j’ai hâte d’en savoir un peu plus sur un détail du scenario qui reste au second plan dans ce tome mais qui sera surement plus développé par la suite.
Le duo Marcus -Finn fonctionne à merveille et j’ai également beaucoup aimé les personnages secondaires.
En résumé, encore un très bon roman d’Alice Winters dans un genre un peu différent des précédents. Des personnages attachants et drôles. Un roman à découvrir sans plus attendre.
ENG- So well well well… well I impatiently awaited this novel of which I had not even read the extracts and once again I was not at all disappointed with my reading.
I must say that I am starting to run out of arguments regarding the novels of Alice Winters. Because the more time passes, the more I like his novels. His style asserts itself with each novel and the small faults of the first volumes are almost nonexistent in this novel.
I particularly liked the universe proposed by the author. Here the only creatures of the night are vampires and I must say that it is nice to read a novel only of vampires, it is becoming rare lately.
I loved the character of Marcus and I particularly liked the mythology concerning the vampires that Alice Winters sets up in this novel and I of course loved the relationship between Marcus and Finn. Even if I must admit that the moment when Marcus gave in to Finn’s advances fell for me like a hair on the soup.
I also found this novel a little less funny than the previous volumes even if I still laughed a lot in this one.
I must admit that I look forward to knowing a little more about a detail of the scenario which remains in the background in this volume but which will probably be more developed later.
The Marcus -Finn duo works wonderfully and I also really liked the secondary characters.
In summary, another very good novel by Alice Winters in a genre a little different from the previous ones. Endearing and funny characters. A novel to discover without further delay.
Ma note globale :
Hottitude :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de l’auteure :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.