Bonjour à tous!
Comment allez vous en ce vendredi matin? Pour ma part, ça va très bien, grace au jour férié la semaine passe super vite et on est déjà presque au week end. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour un roman d’Anyta Sunday dont je vous avais déjà parlé ici . J’ai découvert ce roman grace à une suggestion Bookbub et à peine commencé il m’a été impossible de le lacher. Sans plus attendre, couverture et résumé:
Je me suis posé des questions. Qui est le véritable père de Jace? Sont ils vraiment frères? Mais au final, est si important? J’ai réfléchi à cette question pendant une bonne partie du roman, pour finalement me laisser emporter par ces deux jeunes garçons qui sous mes yeux vont devenir des hommes.
J’ai voyagé au rythme des pierres dont Cooper est passionné, au rythme des touches du piano de Jace, au fil des routes de la Nouvelle Zélande qui est un pays si merveilleux. Je me suis se laissée happer par la plume de l’auteur, encore plus forte et plus touchante que lors de son précédent roman et sans même m’en rendre compte, j’avais dévoré ce roman qui restera pour moi un de mes plus joli coup de coeur de 2016.
ENG- So well well well… well I did not expect that. There are novels that make you have a good time, but once closed do not leave a lasting memory. There are novels that make you laugh or cry, or both at once .. and then there’s Rock.
Rock has been impossible for me to let go from the time I started it. Rock, which has made me travel from the first to the last page. Which have made me feel a lot of emotions, taking me from laughter to tears, be touched , which hit me, and had made me think about this so special relationship between Cooper and Jace.
It follows Cooper,12 yo, from that day his life explodes into a million pieces when his father decides to leave him, his mother and sister to go with the woman he always loved , with who he has a double life since 5 years , and lives a few blocks away.
Cooper will get acquainted with Jace, the son of the latter and his life will be the same. Through brief, intense moments, little things, little while, we will see Cooper grow, we will see his relationship with his father and Lila change, we will especially see his feelings for Jace change.
And through several years, ones that will make a boy a man, we will follow Cooper and Jace, who will love, tear, miss each other, have new experiences, meet, suffer, laugh to an end simply wonderful.
I asked myself questions. Who is the real father of Jace? Are they really brothers? But in the end, is it so important? I thought about that for a good part of the novel, to finally get carried away by these two young boys under my eyes becoming men.
I traveled to the rhythm of the stones which Cooper is passionate, the rhythm of Jace piano keys, over the roads of New Zealand , a wonderful country. I was sucked into the pen of the author, even stronger and more touching than for her previous novel and without even realizing it, I had devoured this novel that will remain for me one of my most beautiful favorite in 2016.
Date de sortie : 30 Septembre 2014
Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.
[…] de mes auteurs préférés à savoir Anyta Sunday. Je vous ai déjà parlé de ses romans ici ou ici et quand dans sa newsletter elle a indiqué qu’elle mettait True Colors en dispo sur […]