couv Good Pucking Luck RIley Hart

Salut mes P’tits Chats!


J’espère que vous allez bien. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour vous parler de Good Puckin Luck de Riley Hart que je remercie pour ce SP. Il s’agit du premier tome de sa nouvelle série The Jilted Exes’Club dont j’ai hâte de lire les prochains tomes.

Résumé :

Proposing to my first boyfriend at a hockey game wasn’t my smartest move. Not only does said boyfriend walk out on me, but the whole stupid thing goes viral, and it turns out the man I was dating has too many boyfriends to count. Internet fame has crowned me a member of the Jilted Exes’ Club, a name I’d do anything to escape.

One thing’s for sure: I’m not making the same mistake again. No more boyfriends, just easy hookups. And I’ll start with this gorgeous catch in Seattle. The only problem…he’s a god in bed, and I’m an inexperienced mess.

After a night with Hayes, I play some of the best games of my career. It’s meant to be a one-and-done deal, but when I find out he also lives in LA and doesn’t want anything serious, I see an opportunity.

Hayes wants experience. I want my good-luck charm to help me win the cup.

The media would go wild over a pro hockey player dating a member of the Jilted Exes’ Club—a distraction neither of us needs. We want this to stay simple. Easy. No strings, no falling in love.

Except I’m pretty sure I’ve already fallen. After all Hayes has been through, how do I get him to entrust his heart to someone who’s only ever been labeled a player on and off the ice?


FR- Alors alors…. alors j’ai adoré ce roman!

Avec Good Pucking Luck, Riley Hart nous livre un roman un peu plus léger et lumineux que ses dernières sorties.  On est clairement dans des romances légères et torrides mais qui abordent cependant des sujets sérieux.

Je suis complètement tombée sous le charme de Rylan.

Charmant, sexy, drôle et tellement tellement attentionné. Rylan est clairement un de mes personnages préférés de Riley Hart. Good Pucking Luck est un petit concentré de bonheur et de sexe torride. Clairement il y a énormément de scènes de sexe dans ce roman mais chaque scene apporte quelque chose à la romance entre les personnages. J’ai beaucoup aimé la façon dont Riley Hart va y aller progressivement dans le niveau de spice des scenes de sexe, au fur et à mesure qu’Hayes s’ouvre à Rylan. Et à mesure qu’il se découvre et prend confiance en lui.

Mais Good Pucking Luck c’est aussi une romance sur le hockey sans prise de tête.

Gentiment caricaturale des hockeyeurs et de leurs superstitions. On est clairement au coeur de la vie d’un hockeyeur professionnel et de tous les sacrifices que ses proches et lui ont du faire pour qu’il en arrive à ce niveau.

La relation entre Rylan et Hayes est adorable. J’ai adoré la façon dont Rylan porte son coeur sur sa main . Ce mélange d’insouciance et de sérieux qui le caractérise. Et qui va permettre à Hayes de s’ouvrir aux autres et notamment aux autres membres du Jilted Exes’ Club dont j’ai hâte de lire les tomes.

En résumé, un excellent premier tome d’une série dont j’ai hâte de lire les prochains tomes.

ENG-So well well well…well I loved this novel!

With Good Pucking Luck, Riley Hart gives us a novel that is a little lighter and brighter than her last releases.  We are clearly in  a cute and steamy romancs which nevertheless address serious subjects.

I completely fell in love with Rylan.

Charming, sexy, funny and so so caring. Rylan is definitely one of my favorite Riley Hart characters. Good Fucking Luck is a bundle of happiness and hot sex. Clearly there are a lot of sex scenes in this novel but each scene brings something to the romance between the characters. I really liked the way Riley Hart will gradually increase the spice level of the sex scenes, as Hayes opens up to Rylan. And as he discovers himself and gains confidence in himself.

But Good Pucking Luck is also a sweet hockey romance.

Making light fun  of hockey players and their superstitions. We are clearly at the heart of the life of a professional hockey player and all the sacrifices that he and his loved ones have had to make for him to reach this level.

The relationship between Rylan and Hayes is adorable. I loved the way Rylan wears his heart on his sleeve. This mixture of carefreeness and seriousness that characterizes him. And which will allow Hayes to open up to others and in particular to the other members of the Jilted Exes’ Club whose bookss I can’t wait to read.

In summary, an excellent first volume in a series of which I can’t wait to read the next books.

Ma Note Globale :

note 5 coeurs





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Review Good Pucking Luck Riley Hart



Rédigé par


Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc...) , des MMM et d'Urban Fantasy.