Bonjour à tous!

Comment allez vous? Pour ma part, ça va. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique du deuxième tome de la série Vampire Related Crimes d’Alice Winters. Tome qui sera je pense, le dernier. Vous pouvez retrouver la chronique du tome 1, How to Vex a Vampire ici. Sans plus tarder, résumé du deuxième tome intitulé How to Elude a Vampire:

When the vampire stalking me sent me a letter, I was prepared for my new life with the man I love to get thrown into chaos. But as the days stretch on and nothing happens, I become determined not to allow that monster to rule my life, and decide that Marcus and I will move on. We can’t always allow the past to haunt us. If that includes pestering Marcus and harassing my fellow detectives, they’d better learn to love it, because I’m not going anywhere even if they like to remind me I’m the only human working in a department filled with vampires. But Marcus loves me for who I am, even if he’s not crazy about the cute pet names I call him like McBitey. Being with him is more than I could have dreamed, and even with the trials thrown in our way, he never fails to make me smile.

When Finn joined the VRC, I never expected how everything would change. Now that he’s the brightest part of my days, I’m unsure of how I existed without him. Before Finn and I can settle into our new life together, we’re called in as lead detectives when a body is found in the river, and the case soon hits closer to home than we anticipated. I want to be by Finn’s side to keep him safe, but at the same time, Finn’s fighting for the freedom he’s always wanted after being forced to live a life of fear. What I do know is that my future is with Finn, no matter what happens.



FR- Alors alors… alors j’étais assez partagée en commençant ce deuxième tome parce qu’autant j’avais bien aimé le premier tome, autant j’avais mis trois plombes à le lire et j’étais déjà à la bourre pour cet ARC. Mais contrairement à la lecture du tome 1, j’ai lu celui ci en une journée.

J’ai beaucoup aimé ce tome. J’ai aimé retrouvé les personnages qui sont toujours aussi drôles et attachants. J’ai aimé en apprendre un peu plus sur eux et sur les personnages secondaires. J’ai également beaucoup aimé les nouveaux personnages introduits dans ce tome.

J’ai trouvé que l’enquête était très intéressante et très bien menée et à part un moment sur la fin qui m’a fait lever les yeux au ciel j’ai trouvé ce roman cohérent et très bien écrit.

Une fois de plus, j’ai aimé la mythologie proposée par l’auteure concernant les vampires et leur origine tout comme j’ai beaucoup aimé l’univers dans lequel ils évoluent.

Le scenario qui était en second plan dans le tome 1 trouve ici sa résolution et c’était vraiment très bien amené.

Une fois de plus, j’ai passé un très très bon moment de lecture. Un deuxième tome légèrement au dessus du premier pour moi. Une auteure qui s’améliore encore de romans en romans.



ENG- So well well well… well I was quite divided when I started this second volume because as much as I liked the first volume, I had taken three shots to read it and I was already on the edge for this ARC. But unlike reading volume 1, I read this one in one day.

I really liked this volume. I liked finding the characters who are always so funny and endearing. I enjoyed learning a little more about them and the secondary characters. I also really liked the new characters introduced in this volume.

I found that the investigation was very interesting and very well conducted and apart from a moment at the end which made me roll my eyes I found this novel coherent and very well written.

Once again, I liked the mythology proposed by the author concerning vampires and their origin just as I really liked the universe in which they evolve.

The scenario which was in the background in volume 1 finds its resolution here and it was really very well brought.

Once again, I had a very very good time reading. A second volume slightly above the first for me. An author who is still improving from novel to novel.



Ma note globale :



Ce roman est un service presse numérique de l’auteure:













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Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc...) , des MMM et d'Urban Fantasy.