Bonjour à tous! C’est Sam
Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour un recueil de nouvelles que j’ai beaucoup aimé. Il s’agit en fait de trois nouvelles que vous pouvez trouver à l’unité en numérique ou les trois ensemble en version papier. Sachant que les trois nouvelles se suivent et vu les cliffhangers de la fin je vous conseille fortement de les lire les trois à la suite!!
Sans plus attendre, couverture et résumé:
Cadavre dans le jardin? Check
Mystère à résoudre? Check
La police s’est concentrée sur la mauvaise personne? Pas bon.
Valor Tarquin Scott, fils de Earl et de la comtesse Scott, est propriétaire de The Ginger’s Bread, un magasin de biscuits à Grasmere dans la région des lacs. L’amour de sa vie, Bishan Tamboli, a fait de ses études musicales une carrière réussie auprès du London Symphony Orchestra. C’est une vie parfaite avec leur chat, passant des soirées à regarder Poirot à la télévision.
Le cauchemar commence avec un ancien camarade décédé, laissant croire à la police que Bishan est responsable.
Valor a du mal à résoudre les énigmes énigmatiques laissées dans une course pour prouver l’innocence de Bishan.
Il ne peut s’empêcher de se demander à quel point le nombre de corps va augmenter avant qu’ils n’arrivent à arrêter le tueur.
FR- Alors alors… alors cette première nouvelle est vraiment surprenante. Je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre en la commençant et si le début est un peu laborieux je dois dire que j’ai adoré découvrir cet univers et ces personnages. L’auteur nous propose là quelque chose de totalement différent par rapport à ce qu’on a l’habitude de lire et c’est très rafraichissant et agréable. J’ai énormément aimé les personnages principaux. On découvre surtout le personnage de Valor dans cette première nouvelle et j’ai beaucoup aimé ce personnage. Le contraste entre ses origines, l’éducation qu’il a reçu et sa vie actuelle est très intéressant et j’ai aimé qu’il reste fidèle à ses nouvelles valeurs, à sa nouvelle vie malgré la pression de sa famille. Sa relation avec Bishan est tout simplement magnifique et j’ai hâte de les voir évoluer ensemble dans les deux autres nouvelles. L’enquête policière est prenante et pleine de rebondissement et j’ai adoré tous les personnages secondaires. Une dernière chose, je suis bien contente d’avoir les trois nouvelles à ma disposition parce que la fin est vraiment frustrante!! La suite!
ENG- So well well well.. well This novella is really surprising. I did not know what to expect when I started and if the beginning is a little hard I must say that I loved discovering this universe and these characters. The author offers us something totally different from what we are used to read and it is very refreshing and pleasant. I really liked the main characters. We discover especially the character of Valor in this first news and I really liked this character. The contrast between his origins, the education he has received and his current life is very interesting and I liked that he remains faithful to his new values, his new life despite the pressure of his family. His relationship with Bishan is simply beautiful and I can not wait to see them evolve together in the other two stories. The police investigation is catchy and full of rebound and I loved all the secondary characters. One last thing, I am very happy to have the three news at my disposal because the end is really frustrating !! The following!
This second news is from the point of view of Bishan, that we finally saw very little in the first (and for good reason) and I really liked to learn more about him. If his disability had cooled me a little at the beginning of my reading of the first news, I gently attached to him through the love that Valor brings him and I was really happy to directly discover this character. The police investigation is still there and gets darker and darker. I like the tone of this news darkens over our reading and I liked that the author takes this path. I loved to learn more about the secondary characters as well and I really like the atmosphere that the author manages to put in place. There is also a lot of humor and despite the total absence of sex scene, the author is perfectly able to make us feel the love that Valor and Bishan are. This second new finished also in cliffhanger and once again, quickly more!
Third and last news and I want to say: finally !! Finally because the author does not spare his characters and they go through a pretty incredible number of twists and twists. The story is over several months, all this remains credible and well conducted. Finally because we really want to know who the killer is and what his purpose is. Finally because we want Valor and Bishan to finally enjoy each other without more misfortunes that fall on them. However, I do not want to leave these characters, be it the main couple or the secondary characters. I really attached to them and saying goodbye to them is really difficult. The author has managed to make me completely change my mind about the characters and make me addicted to a novel that had not wrapped me more than that during the first pages. I loved everything the author offers us in these three news and the beginning of this one made my heart beat very very quickly. We do not know how far the author is willing to go and we can not help but worry about the characters in this news. This third news is a perfect end point to this investigation and to this story, which is carried out and mastered by an author whose pen takes us very far and makes us turn the pages with envy. Congratulations to her for these three stories and this original and very well written story.
Ma note globale :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :
Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.