cover risk the fall riley hart

Salut mes P’tits Chats!


J’espère que vous allez bien. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour vous parler de Risk the Fall de Riley Hart que je remercie pour cet ARC. Il s’agit d’un roman légèrement plus sombre que ce que l’auteure nous propose habituellement.

Résumé :


I’ve never been great at letting people in. Life is easier if I bury my feelings. People tend to let you down, which is only proven when my best friend, Rex, accidentally kills a man and lets me take the fall.

When I get out of prison, the last thing I want is to go back to Clayton, Oregon, but it’s where my grandma lives, the only person who’s always had my back. My plan is to stay out of trouble, steer clear of my old crew, save up, and the second we can, leave town for good.


I want nothing to do with my family and their illegal activities. With Riven back, I worry things will get worse. He and Rex have always brought out the worst in each other, but then I discover Riven went to prison for something my brother did, and my family isn’t happy to have him home.

Riven wants nothing to do with me, and I don’t blame him. But like a moth to the flame, I’m drawn to him. It starts out as mutual lust, Riven sating the pleasure he craves, while I get to fulfill my first-crush fantasies. But with every moment, I see there’s more to Riv than anyone knows.

Not everyone would see him as a good man, but to me, he’s the boy who used to try to keep my family’s lifestyle from becoming mine.

And now he’s the man who risked his heart to fall in love with me…and the one who’d risk more to protect me.



FR- Alors alors…. alors comme je vous le disais plus haut, ce roman est légèrement plus sombre que les autres romans de l’auteure.

Attention, on n’est pas non plus dans de la Dark Romance. Ca reste du Riley Hart. Dans Risk the Fall, le personnage de Riven sort de prison et a fait des trucs pas très très catholiques mais ça reste soft.

J’ai vraiment beaucoup aimé ce roman. Je me suis énormément attachée aux personnages. Que ce soit Riven ou Parrish. Comme souvent dans les romans de Riley Hart, le contexte est très bien soigné et les personnages développés.

L’auteure fait la part belle aux sentiments. Dans Risk the Fall, Riley Hart nous livre des personnages écorchés vifs, qui n’ont clairement pas eu une vie facile mais qui vont tout faire pour s’en sortir.

J’ai aimé la dualité entre la douceur de Parrish et l’aspect renfermé de Riven. J’ai aimé qu’il s’ouvre peu à peu au contact de Parrish sans que ce dernier ne perde de sa lumière.

L’auteure nous livre un roman plus sombre de part les thèmes abordés mais en gardant toujours sa pudeur et sa retenue dans le traitement des sujets.

En résumé, un roman différent de ses autres romans mais qui est toujours aussi bon.



ENG- So well well well… well I told you above, this novel is slightly darker than the author’s other novels.

Be careful, we’re not in Dark Romance either. It’s still Riley Hart. In Risk the Fall, Riven’s character comes out of prison and has done some bad things but it’s still soft.

I really liked this novel. I became extremely attached to the characters. Whether it’s Riven or Parrish. As is often the case in Riley Hart’s novels, the context is very well taken care of and the characters developed.

The author gives pride of place to feelings. In Risk the Fall, Riley Hart gives us raw characters, who have clearly not had an easy life but who will do everything to get by.

I liked the duality between the sweetness of Parrish and the withdrawn aspect of Riven. I liked that he opened up little by little upon contact with Parrish without the latter losing his light.

The author gives us a darker novel in terms of the themes covered but always maintaining modesty and restraint in the treatment of her subjects.

In summary, a novel different from her other novels but which is still just as good.



Ma Note Globale :

note 4 coeur




Ce roman est un service presse numérique de l’auteure :

logo auteur riley hart


















Rédigé par


Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc...) , des MMM et d'Urban Fantasy.