Bonjour à tous!
J’espère que vous allez bien. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique d’un roman qui est le premier tome d’une série prometteuse intitulée Superbia Springs. C’est le premier roman de Rachel Kane que je lis et j’ai énormément aimé. Il s’agit de Spring Forward. Résumé:
A heartbroken single dad. A handyman with a past full of secrets.
And the small town that would change them forever.
It should’ve been a dream come true for Liam, inheriting the old mansion named Superbia Springs. It helped him meet Mason, the handyman who kept the town running. Mason is sweet, generous, and good with his hands. (If only he’d use those hands on Liam…) But Mason has a secret, and the old house has a secret, and the whole town seems full of secrets.
Mason knows he can’t fall for Liam, no matter how the man makes him burn with passion. Gay single dads are off limits when you’re stuck in the closet. Liam hates secrets, and after hearing what happened to Liam’s father and his ex, Mason desperately wants to give him his heart…and his whole story. But how can he tell Liam what’s really keeping him in the closet, when it could destroy people’s lives?
Liam knows he should pack up his bags and his baby and head straight back for his home in the city…but something about Superbia draws him back inexorably. Maybe it’s the town itself. Maybe it’s the mansion, with all its mysteries. Or maybe it’s because he can’t get Mason out of his mind, out of his dreams, out of his heart.
Can the irresistible desire the two men feel for each other overcome the small-town grudges, feuds and scandals that threaten to keep them.
FR- Alors alors … alors comme vous le savez j’adore les romans avec des enfants et des pères célibataires et ça faisait un moment que je n’en avais pas lus. Et là, j’en ai eu deux d’affilé. J’ai beaucoup aimé ce premier roman qui est également le premier tome d’une série dont j’ai super hâte de lire la suite.
J’ai adoré l’ambiance petite ville bienveillante qui se dégage de Superbia sans oublier les méchants de service histoire de mettre un peu de piment. Sincèrement, ce roman est aussi agréable qu’un téléfilm romantique de la 6. J’ai passé un excellent moment et tous les éléments sont réunis pour nous faire apprécier l’intrigue et les personnages.
L’auteure nous présente une multitude de personnages secondaires qui laissent présager plusieurs autres tomes à cette série.
Les personnages principaux sont très attachants. J’ai beaucoup aimé Mason et j’avais vraiment hâte de découvrir son secret . Face à lui, le personnage de Liam était super attachant et j’ai adoré le voir changer au fil des pages.
L’intrigue est vraiment prenante et entrainante et on enchaîne les pages sans s’en rendre compte.
En résumé un roman super mignon qui m’a fait passé un excellent moment. Une série dont j’ai hâte de lire les prochains tomes.
ENG- So well well … well as you know I love novels with children and single fathers and it’s been a while since I had read them. And there I had two in a row. I really liked this first novel which is also the first volume in a series which I can’t wait to read more.
I loved the friendly little town atmosphere that emanates from Superbia without forgetting the bad guys of service history to put a little spice. Honestly, this novel is as pleasant as a romantic Wallmart movie . I had a great time and all the elements are there to make us appreciate the plot and the characters.
The author presents us with a multitude of secondary characters who suggest several other volumes in this series.
The main characters are very endearing. I really liked Mason and I was really looking forward to discovering his secret. Facing him, the character of Liam was super endearing and I loved seeing him change over the pages.
The intrigue is really catchy and catchy and we chain the pages without realizing it.
In summary, a super cute novel that made me have a great time. A series which I look forward to reading the next volumes.
Ma note globale :
Hottitude :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.