Bonjour à tous!
J’espère que vous allez bien. Pour ma part ça va très bien même si le rythme s’accélère parce que ce sont bientôt les vacances!! Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique d’un roman assez court, que j’ai aimé, sans plus. Il s’agit de North Point, le premier tome de la série Jagged Shore de Thom Collins, chez Pride Publishing. Résumé:
Will an idyllic summer holiday lead Arnie to the love of his life, or the end of it?
It should be the start of a perfect vacation. After a period of stress, Arnie Walker takes his nine-year-old son AJ home for the holidays. Arnie grew up in Nyemouth, a picturesque fishing town on the North-East coast of England, and he wants AJ to experience the kind of carefree, endless summer he enjoyed as a boy. It’s a short-lived dream. While taking an evening walk along the North Point cliff, Arnie and AJ witness a murder attempt.
For the volunteer crew of Nyemouth Lifeboat Station, it’s a rescue mission like none before, Helmsman Dominic Melton is part of the team who rescue the victim from the deadly North Sea. When Arnie and Dominic come together in the aftermath of the attack, the attraction is instant. Arnie isn’t looking for a relationship. He’s committed to his son’s wellbeing and has no time for a distraction like Dominic, even though the handsome ex-naval officer is hard to dismiss. Is it possible for Arnie to full fill his promises to AJ while falling for Dominic?
Despite the distraction, a fledgling killer is at large. As feelings between Arnie and Dominic develop, so does the danger they are in. North Point may be a beautiful place to fall in love, but it could also be the most dangerous.
FR- Alors alors… alors le résumé me donnait vraiment envie , surtout qu’une fois de plus, il y avait un single-dad. J’ai passé un bon moment de lecture. J’ai trouvé la plume de l’auteur plutôt sympa et le rythme vraiment entraînant. J’ai aimé les personnages que j’ai trouvé bien travaillés et développés malgré le fait que le roman soit court. Le mélange suspens , romance, action est bien dosé et on ne s’ennuie pas une minute.
J’ai beaucoup aimé le personnage d’AJ qui est assez important et présent dans le roman même si la part belle est faite à Arnie et Dominic. La relation entre les deux hommes est vraiment sympathique, j’ai beaucoup aimé la façon dont ils vont tomber amoureux l’un de l’autre et la facilité de leur histoire malgré le danger qui les guette.
La partie intrigue est bien menée également, je n’ai pas du tout vu venir le coupable et c’était suffisamment intriguant pour me faire frissonner dans ma lecture.
Le seul petit bémol c’est que le roman est vraiment court et du coup je n’ai pas grand chose à dire. C’était bien. Bien écrit, bien amené. Les scènes de sexe sont brèves mais bien écrites. Les personnages attachants. Mais c’est hélas le genre de roman sitôt lu, sitôt publié. Un bon moment de lecture cependant.
ENG- So well well well… well the summary really made me want, especially that once again, there was a single-dad. I had a good time reading. I found the author’s pen quite nice and the rhythm really catchy. I liked the characters that I found well worked and developed despite the fact that the novel is short. The mixture of suspense, romance and action is well balanced and you never get bored for a minute.
I really liked the character of AJ who is quite important and present in the novel even if the beautiful part is made to Arnie and Dominic. The relationship between the two men is really nice, I really liked the way they will fall in love with each other and the ease of their story despite the danger that awaits them.
The intrigue part is also well conducted, I didn’t see the culprit coming at all and it was intriguing enough to make me shiver in my reading.
The only downside is that the novel is really short and suddenly I don’t have much to say. It was good. Well written, well brought. The sex scenes are brief but well written. The endearing characters. But it is unfortunately the kind of novel as soon as read, as soon as published. A good time to read though.
Ma note Globale :
Hottitude :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.