Bonjour à tous!
J’espère que vous allez bien. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique du 3ème tome d’une série que j’adore et je suis d’autant plus contente d’apprendre que le tome 4 sera également sur ces personnages là. Il s’agit de The Renegade Psion , de la série Virasana Empire, Sir Yaden de Beryll et Osiris Brackhaus. Couverture et résumé :
An out-of-control psion is killing innocents on idyllic Shiraz. As their first outing together as Knight and Squire, Yaden and Ivan are sent to neutralise the threat. But that threat turns out to be a little girl on the run from the Psions Guild, fighting for her life. Naturally, their mission objective changes from ‘neutralise’ to ‘protect at all costs’.
While Yaden tries to figure out what and who they are up against exactly, Colin has to juggle their wedding preparations with the powerful traumatized girl suddenly dropped into his care. Is it just one rogue psion who wants her dead, or is it the entire guild they are up against? In their own way, both Colin and Yaden will have to face powerful guild psions to ensure that their little family will survive.
FR- Alors alors…. alors j’aime toujours autant cette série et je suis super contente de découvrir que le tome 4 sera toujours sur ces personnages. Parce que pffff j’adoooooooooore Yaden.
ENG- So well well … well I love this series so much and I am super happy to discover that volume 4 will still be about these characters. I soooooooooo love Yaden.
I loved this third volume. This time, we mainly stay on the Emperor ‘s Island even if Yaden will travel a lot in this volume. I really liked this volume. Particularly because we see Colin a lot and he is one of my favorite characters.
I really like that we follow the characters during the books and that we see a lot of them. We learn a little more about other types of psions and it was super interesting.
Once again, I really liked the direction the authors are taking. I liked that they focused a little more on the characters and their different « powers » rather than on the universe which is now well established. I liked that we still discover other planets, the authors always offer us very different planets and I love to travel with the characters.
I really liked the intrigue of this volume and I particularly loved following all the characters and discovering them even more precisely. I liked that we explored their relationships to each other even more and I loved discovering other characters.
All the elements are brought together again in this volume to make us have a great time. It’s one of my favorite series in this genre and each volume is even better than the last. If you haven’t read it yet, I can only advise you too much to do it !!!
Ma note globale:
Hottitude :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.