Salut mes p’tits chats!

Comment allez vous? Pour ma part, ça va très bien. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui avec la chronique du troisième tome de la série Down Home de Parker St John en auto édition. Vous pouvez retrouver les chroniques des tomes 1 ici et 2 là. Quand au tome 3, intitulé Donw and Out, voici déjà son résumé:

His dark secret drove away the only boy he ever loved.


Healer. Savior. Cynic.

The one person Nate could never ignore was Tucker Grace. He’s as cruel as he is gorgeous, with a devastating loneliness in his cold blue eyes.

Nate ditched his hell-raising childhood for the big city and a string of disastrous relationships. He’s a man people rely on, but he’s tired of fixing other people’s problems. So when a family crisis brings him home for the first time in years, the last thing Nate wants is to be drawn to the cruel cowboy he left in the dust.

Tucker is smoke and shadows, fury and calm, and as wild as the horses he tames. He looks at Nate like he craves him.

But Nate knows better than anyone that Tucker isn’t capable of love.

And even if he was…he’s straight.


Villain. Survivor. Cowboy.

The only thing Tucker ever wanted was Nate Silva, so he drove him away. Hard.

He never expected he’d come back.

Tucker has spent years clawing his way up from nothing. Ranch life taught him to control his savage temper, and his talent for breaking untamable horses earned him respect. He’s found peace.

Nate’s return threatens all that.

When a traumatized stallion forces them together, Tucker’s tightly reined control starts to fray. Nate’s soft eyes and softer mouth stir a lust that threatens everything Tucker has built.

Everything in him wants to claim Nate as his own…but dark secrets lurk in Tucker’s past.

He can’t trust himself with something as fragile as another man’s heart.

Even if it breaks his own.



FR- Alors alors… alors j’avais adoré le tome 1 beaucoup aimé le tome 2 et je suis tout simplement tombée amoureuse du tome 3. J’ai dévoré ce roman en quelques jours et honnetement, je pense que si je n’avais eu besoin de dormir et aller travailler je n’en aurait fait qu’une bouchée.

Je tiens aussi à féliciter Parker St John qui m’a fait m’attacher à un cheval, moi qui n’en suis pas fan en général. Mais Traveler est tellement abimé qu’on ne peut que s’attacher à lui.

J’ai adoré ce roman. J’ai beaucoup aimé retrouver les personnages du premier tome et revenir à Sweetwater. J’ai d’ailleurs hâte au prochain  tome de cette série que j’aime énormément.

La plume de l’auteure est toujours aussi entrainante et maitrisée. Les personnages sont toujours aussi interessants. J’ai beaucoup aimé Tucker et si comme dans les autres tomes , l’histoire est principalement (oh mon dieu… ce chapitre du point de vue de Tucker m’a achevée) du point de vue de Nate, on s’attache énormément aux deux personnages.

La relation entre les deux hommes est vraiment touchante et on ne peut que ressentir complètement les émotions de Nate tout au long de notre lecture.

Une fois de plus, PArker St John nous livre un roman touchant et fort, à la hauteur du premier tome de cette série. Ses cowboys sont forts et fragiles à la fois mais surtout prêts à tout pour ceux qu’ils aiment, et c’est comme ça qu’on les adore!!



ENG- So well well well… well I loved volume 1 very much liked volume 2 and I just fell in love with volume 3. I devoured this novel in a few days and honestly, I think that if I had not needed to sleep and go to work I would have made short work of it.

I also want to congratulate Parker St John who made me tie myself to a horse, me who is not a fan in general. But Traveler is so damaged that we can only get attached to him.

I loved this novel. I really enjoyed finding the characters from the first volume and coming back to Sweetwater. I am also looking forward to the next volume of this series that I love very much.

The author’s pen is still lively and mastered. The characters are always so interesting. I liked Tucker a lot and if like in the other books, the story is mainly (oh my god … this chapter from Tucker’s point of view finished me off) from Nate’s point of view, we stick enormously to the two characters.

The relationship between the two men is truly touching and we can only fully feel Nate’s emotions throughout our reading.

Once again, PArker St John delivers us a touching and strong novel, at the height of the first volume of this series. His cowboys are strong and fragile at the same time but above all desperate for those they love, and that’s how we love them !!



Ma Note Globale :




Ce roman est un service presse numérique de l’auteure:



























Rédigé par


Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc...) , des MMM et d'Urban Fantasy.