04Salut mes petits chats!
J’espère que vous allez bien. Je retrouve enfin le chemin de mon ordinateur après presque deux semaines de coupure (le télétravail aura ma peau) et je viens vous parler d’une lecture que j’ai faite en début de mois d’avril et qui m’a vraiment agréablement surprise. Il s’agit du deuxieme tome de la série For Him de AM Johnson , dont je n’ai pas lu le tome 1 mais étant des tomes compagnons ça ne m’a pas manqué. Résumé :
About last night… I could blame the bourbon. I could say I let things get out of hand, that I should have never called you, but I’m done lying to myself—to you. I know what you’re going to say. You’re not very good at keeping your opinions to yourself, but this can’t happen. It’s inappropriate, at best. I’m your boss. Not to mention, you’re clearly still hung up on him. I’m not a consolation prize.
You didn’t think it was inappropriate when you had your tongue down my throat, but I digress. As for your accusation, I’m not the only one stuck in the past, but at least I’m not running from it. I can’t believe I’m about to say this… Maybe you’re right. You shouldn’t have called me. Especially if you never intended to own it. Own that you wanted it to happen. Admit that you wanted me.
Not so sincerely,
Le personnage d’Ethan est tout simplement adorable. Je l’ai vraiment beaucoup aimé. On sent qu’il est dans une sale période de sa vie et qu’il n’aspire qu’à rebondir et s’en sortir. N’ayant pas lu le premier tome j’avoue que j’ai découvert dans ce roman Wilder qui peut être quand même bien too much parfois. J’ai beaucoup aimé sa relation avec Jason qui est très touchante mais sans tomber dans le pathos.
N’ayant donc pas lu le tome 1 j’avoue que je n’avais pas d’à priori sur Anders qui est un personnage que j’ai énormément aimé et qui m’a beaucoup touchée. J’avoue qu’il m’a même tiré une larme une fois ou deux.
J’ai aimé que les personnages ne soient pas parfait, j’ai aimé qu’ils fassent des erreurs mais qu’ils apprennent de leurs erreurs et ne les reproduisent pas.
Je me suis complètement laissée emporter par cet enemies to lover qui respecte vraiment les codes du genre.
Un très bon roman à découvrir sans plus tarder.
ENG – So well well well… well I do not know why but I did not expect at all, but then not at all this story. I don’t know why I got it into my head that it was a Young Adult novel in the tradition of Red White and Royal Blue. I couldn’t have been further from the account.
But it was a very pleasant surprise because I really liked this novel.
Yet things started badly, between the novel which is not what I thought and the main character who is called Ethan when it was the name of the villain in my previous novel, I could have given up. But it took me not to do it because I really enjoyed my reading.
Ethan’s character is simply adorable. I really liked it. We feel that he is in a bad period of his life and that he wants only to bounce back and get out of it. Not having read the first volume, I admit that I discovered in this Wilder novel which can still be too much sometimes. I really liked her relationship with Jason which is very touching but without falling into pathos.
So not having read volume 1 I admit that I did not have a priori on Anders who is a character that I really liked and who touched me a lot. I admit he even pulled a tear at me once or twice.
I liked that the characters weren’t perfect, I liked that they made mistakes but learned from their mistakes and didn’t reproduce them.
I completely let myself be carried away by this enemies to lover who really respects the codes of the genre.
A very good novel to discover without further delay.
Ma note globale :
Hottitude :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.