Bonjour à tous!
J’espère que vous allez bien. Je vous retrouve aujourd’hui pour la chronique du 6eme tome d’une série que j’aime beaucoup : Lovestrong de Susan Hawke. Résumé :
Take one fabulous unicorn of a person…
Grayson Davis came back to their hometown after college to help a new generation of kids who might be reliving their own past as a bullied young teen and LGBT teens who are struggling to find their identities in small-town USA. Taking a job as a youth counselor at The Rainbow Kids Foundation is their dream come true… even if it means working for the very man who once bullied them. So what if they can’t forgive Clark Danvers for the past? They can peacefully coexist with Clark and that’s good enough for Gray. As for their personal life, well… who needs one? They have family, friends, and their crazy cat Spike. As for everything else? Well, there’s an app for that.
Add one flirty, pansexual biker who’s the opposite of an outlaw…
Canaan “Wolf” Matthews isn’t looking for love, let alone commitment. He’s busy running a club of bikers who do their part to rescue kids from bad situations, help abused spouses escape, and accompany social workers into the rough areas when it’s not a case for the cops but backup is a necessity. Meeting Gray while on his way home from a hookup—with the evidence clearly crusted on his shirt like a merit badge—isn’t quite the meet cute Wolf would’ve wanted when he found the one person who could make his little pan heart go pitter-pat. Like everything else in his life, Wolf decides to roll with it and see what happens.
FR- Alors alors… alors j’ai énormément aimé ce tome. C’est une série que j’aime beaucoup et j’avais particulièrement aimé le personnage de Gray dans le premier tome. Le tome précédent était sur Clark, son harceleur et j’avais hâte de retrouver mon petit Gray d’amour quasiment guéri de ses tourments.
J’ai aimé que malgré tout, Gray ai encore du chemin à faire et qu’il y mette tout son coeur. Tout n’est pas oublié comme par miracle et j’ai aimé suivre les derniers pas de Grayson sur le chemin de la guérison.
J’ai également énormément aimé sa relation avec Wolf et retrouver tous les membres de cette famille de coeur. La nonbinarité de Gray est très bien expliquée et développée et j’aime que cetet série nous éduque sur les différents types de sexualité. C’est un des gros points positifs de cette série.
Ce sixième tome doit impérativement être lu après les autres mais cette série en vaut vraiment la peine. La plume de l’auteure est excellente et on ne peut que s’attacher aux personnages.
En résumé, un excellent sixieme tome d’une série toujours au top.
ENG- So well well well… well I really liked this volume. It’s a series that I really like and I particularly liked the character of Gray in the first volume. The previous book was about Clark, his stalker, and I couldn’t wait to find my loving little Gray, almost healed of his torments.
I liked that despite everything, Gray still has a way to go and that he puts his whole heart into it. Not all is miraculously forgotten and I enjoyed following Grayson’s final steps on the road to recovery.
I also really enjoyed his relationship with Wolf and reuniting with all the members of this loving family. Gray’s nonbinarity is very well explained and developed and I love that this series educates us about the different types of sexuality. This is one of the big positive points of this series.
This sixth volume must be read after the others, but this series is really worth it. The author’s pen is excellent and we can only get attached to the characters.
In summary, an excellent sixth volume in a series always on top.
Ma note globale :
Hottitude :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.