Salut mes p’tits chats!


Comment allez vous? Je vous retrouver aujourd’hui pour la chronique du tome 4 de la série Pelican Bay de Sloane Kennedy en auto édition. Vous pouvez retrouver mes chroniques des tomes 1 ici, tome 2 là et tome 3 ici. Résumé:

Hiding and running, that’s what I’m good at. It’s who I am. It’s who I have to be…
For Sawyer Brower, the picture-perfect town of Pelican Bay was just supposed to be another place to take refuge for a few months before moving on. One year later finds the seemingly unflappable wildlife veterinarian settling into what’s supposed to be the quiet life of contentment he’s always wanted.

But there’s nothing quiet about the arrival of the gorgeous but very bitter ex-soldier who seems intent on destroying what’s left of his life after losing his legs to an IED.

I didn’t just lose my legs in that godforsaken desert, I lost the man I used to be… the man I should’ve been. How the hell am I supposed to come back from that? I can’t. I won’t…
While it took years of hard work and determination for Jett Sharpe to prove he deserved a spot in a prestigious military academy followed by an illustrious career in the army, it took just seconds for it to all be over. With nearly all of his brothers-in-arms lost to a roadside bomb and his own future irrevocably changed, Jett’s got little left to live for.

So when his best friend shows up in Oklahoma with an ultimatum—go freely with him to Minnesota or by court order— Jett knows he has little choice in the matter. But hell if he’s going to make it easy on any of the men who keep trying to convince him he’s family.

Two men running, one from the past, the other from the future…
Nothing about Sawyer and Jett makes sense. Not after their disastrous first meeting and most certainly not the white-hot chemistry that keeps pulling them together. Scarred minds and wounded souls are forgotten when desire takes over, but masks have a way of settling back into place for two men who have nothing real to hang on to.

Can Sawyer and Jett let the walls that are keeping them safe within themselves fall or will they miss out not only on each other, but the very thing the town of Pelican Bay is offering them?



FR- Alors alors…. alors j’adore la série Pelican Bay de Sloane Kennedy. C’est une série un peu différente de ses autres séries et je dois dire que j’étais super contente qu’elle décide d’enfin écrire les derniers tomes. Parce que, le tome 3 est sorti en octobre 2018…octobre …2018.. autant vous dire que depuis, j’ai dormi, lu et vécu une pandémie. Donc j’ai eu un peu de mal à me rappeler qui était qui et qui avait fait quoi mais la lecture des résumés des tomes précédents m’a vite remis dans le contexte.

Et quel bonheur de retrouver cet univers et ces personnages! Ce tome introduit Jett, qui est le meilleur ami de Maddox ( du tome 2) et Sawyer que l’on a déjà vu dans les tomes précédents.

Sawyer est un personnage que j’aime beaucoup, il est assez important dans la série du fait de son rôle de vétérinaire et c’était vraiment intéressant d’en apprendre plus sur lui.
Ce que j’aime dans cette série, c’est que nous avons à faire à des personnages abîmés. Pour autant, l’auteure ne tombe pas dans l’extrême. Oui ces hommes ont vécu des moments difficiles, des épreuves terribles mais on évite tous les clichés qu’on trouve trop souvent à mon goût dans la romance.
Attention, on est sur de l’insta love, même si Jett mets un temps fou à l’admettre. Personnellement ce n’est pas quelque chose qui me dérange mais je préfère le préciser. Tout comme on retrouve la construction habituelle d’un roman de Sloane Kennedy à savoir une tension sexuelle énorme pendant environ 60% du roman, puis les personnages couchent ensemble et bam, on enchaine les scènes de sexe.
Ceci dit, j’ai beaucoup aimé ma lecture, j’ai pleuré un nombre incalculable de fois, j’ai adoré retrouver les personnages des tomes précédents et j’ai super super hâte au tome 5 qui sort au mois de mai.
La relation entre Jett et Sawyer est à la fois toute en conflit mais également toute en douceur. Chacun apporte énormément à l’autre, ensemble ils vont soigner leurs blessures et avancer.

En résumé, un roman dans la lignée des autres tomes de la série. Une de mes séries préférées de mon auteure préférée… bref… foncez!



ENG- So well well well… well  I love Sloane Kennedy’s Pelican Bay series. It’s a slightly different series from her other series and I must say that I was super happy that she finally decided to write the last volumes. Because, volume 3 was released in October 2018… October… 2018.. I might as well tell you that since then, I have slept, read and lived through a pandemic. So I had a little trouble remembering who was who and who had done what, but reading the summaries of the previous volumes quickly put me back in context.

And what a pleasure to find this universe and these characters! This volume introduces Jett, who is Maddox’s best friend (from volume 2) and Sawyer that we have already seen in the previous volumes.

Sawyer is a character that I really like, he is quite important in the series because of his role as a veterinarian and it was really interesting to learn more about him.

What I love about this series is that we’re dealing with damaged characters. However, the author does not go to extremes. Yes, these men have lived through difficult times, terrible ordeals, but we avoid all the clichés that we find too often for my taste in romance.

Watch out, we’re on some insta love, even if Jett takes forever to admit it. Personally it’s not something that bothers me but I prefer to specify it.

Just as we find the usual construction of a Sloane Kennedy novel, namely enormous sexual tension for about 60% of the novel, then the characters sleep together and bam, we chain the sex scenes.

That said, I enjoyed my reading very much, I cried countless times, I loved finding the characters from the previous volumes and I can’t wait for volume 5, which comes out in May.
Jett and Sawyer’s relationship is both conflicted and smooth. Each brings a lot to the other, together they will heal their wounds and move forward.

In summary, a novel in line with the other volumes of the series. One of my favorite series from my favorite author… in short… go for it!



Ma note globale:



Ce roman est un service presse numérique de l’auteure:







Rédigé par


Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc...) , des MMM et d'Urban Fantasy.