Bonjour à tous!
J’espère que vous allez bien. Je vous retrouve pour la chronique d’un roman Young Adult ( le personnage principal à 14 ans au début du roman) que j’ai énormément aimé. Il s’agit de Why can’t life be like pizza? de Andy V Roamer. Résumé :
RV is a good kid, starting his freshman year at the demanding Boston Latin School. Though his genes didn’t give him a lot of good things, they did give him a decent brain. So he’s doing his best to keep up in high school, despite all the additional pressures he’s facing: His immigrant parents, who don’t want him to forget his roots and insist on other rules. Some tough kids at school who bully teachers as well as students. His puny muscles. His mean gym teacher. The Guy Upstairs who doesn’t answer his prayers. And the most confusing fact of all—that he might be gay.
Luckily, RV develops a friendship with Mr. Aniso, his Latin teacher, who is gay and always there to talk to. RV thinks his problems are solved when he starts going out with Carole. But things only get more complicated when RV develops a crush on Bobby, the football player in his class. And to RV’s surprise, Bobby admits he may have gay feelings, too.
FR- Alors alors.. alors j’aime énormément les romans Young Adult et là on est en plein dedans. Ce roman est assez court donc ça va être difficile de faire une chronique longue mais j’ai énormément aimé .
La plume de l’auteur est très agréable, on suit RV dans sa vie de tous les jours, ses questionnements, que ce soit sur sa famille, ses origines, sa vie en général ou sa sexualité. J’ai aimé que le roman aborde plusieurs thèmes qui sont important pour RV et j’ai hâte d’en apprendre plus sur lui et les autres personnages dans les tomes à venir.
Il s’agit du journal intime de RV et j’ai aimé la façon dont l’auteur nous immerge dans la tête de ce garçon de 14 ans; J’ai aimé suivre ses questionnements et l voir doucement grandir au fil des pages et des épreuves. Ici rien de dramatique. Le quotidien d’un gamin de 14 ans issu d’une famille d’immigrés Lituaniens qui essayent de s’adapter aux Etats Unis. Un gamin qui essaye de trouver sa place entre traditions d’un pays qu’il n’a jamais connu et sa vie aux Etats Unis. Qui essaye de trouver sa place, dans sa famille, dans son école mais aussi dans la société au sens plus large.
RV a beaucoup c’humour et j’ai vraiment aimé la façon dont l’auteur nous fait partager ses pensées.
En résumé, un très bon roman young adult, une petite bouffée de fraîcheur qui aborde des thèmes importants de manière simple et forte. Vivement la suite.
ENG- So well well well… well
I really like the Young Adult novels and here we are right in the middle. This novel is quite short so it’s going to be difficult to write a long column, but I really liked it.
The author’s pen is very pleasant, we follow RV in his everyday life, his questions, whether on his family, his origins, his life in general or his sexuality. I liked that the novel addresses several themes that are important for RV and I look forward to learning more about him and the other characters in the future volumes.
This is the RV diary and I liked the way the author immerses us in the mind of this 14 year old boy; I enjoyed following her questions and seeing her slowly grow over the pages and tests. Nothing dramatic here. The daily life of a 14 year old kid from a family of Lithuanian immigrants who are trying to adapt to the United States. A kid who is trying to find his place between the traditions of a country he has never known and his life in the United States. Who is trying to find his place, in his family, in his school but also in society at large.
RV has a lot of humor and I really liked the way the author shares his thoughts with us.
In summary, a very good young adult novel, a little breath of freshness that tackles important themes in a simple and strong way. Cant’ wait for book 2.
Ma note globale :
Ce roman est un service presse numérique de :

Fan de MM et plus particulièrement des single dads (ça marche aussi avec les oncles, les grands frères etc…) , des MMM et d’Urban Fantasy.